Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 23 Deep Creek Hot Springs

We got an early start and hiked 22 miles from Little Bear Springs
Camp to Deep Ceek Hot Springs mile 307.8. To mark the 300th mile Burning Daylight And I wrote it in stones. I hiked in sandals part of the day to cool my feet.

The Orange Ranger worked on the part of the trail that was detoured last year so we were not surprised when we did not see a detour sign. The trail was great with a lot of interesting scenery. Especially this bridge.

Wild flowers like these lined the trail.
I got to camp at 530. Most of my group had already taken their swims and were setting up camp. There were a lot of day hikers there. We were the only thru (and clothed) hikers. It took 58 years for me to get to my first nude beach. The most entertaining were the nude hikers wearing backpacks! What a hoot.
Here are some pics of the hot springs. I had to wait until the next morning to take these pics as the springs were full of nude bathers in very clear water- I know some of you will be disappointed - just another reason to start walking!

You can see some of the springs pooled in many areas.
While chatting with others in the pool I met Pinky and Dead Animal. They are trail angels here doing some trail magic. They left drinks and fruit 6 miles from here for thru hikers. They are also on their way to the kick off and offered me a ride. So tomorrow we will hike. 6 miles out to their vehicle then in route to the kick off will stop in various places to do trail magic. Pinky hiked the trail last year. She called her group the Leisure Set since it was more about the journey than the destination. She got as far as Washington by November 7th and had to quit the trail due to weather conditions. Dead Animal hiked until Big Bear and had to get off the trail but is planning to thru hike it this year and will leave after the kick-off. Pinky offered to take me to the kick off so I will be leaving with them tomorrow. What a lucky break. There is just so much magic on the trail!

Dead Animal and Pinky

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen any others ahead of you on the trail . . your group must be leading the way this year?
