We took the morning off and Gone fishing went fishing at Klum Campground with his new fly rod and caught over a dozen bass in Howard Prairie Lake!

We hiked 13 miles through Douglas firs, sugar pines and incense cedars.
From the top of Old Baldy Summit (6340') you can identify several mountain peaks. Still within site is majestic Mt. Shasta, Yreka, Soda Mt, Pilot Rock, Hyatt reservoir, and Mt Ashland.
At 630pm we found ourselves at the Brown Mountain Shelter and although it was still a bit early we decided it was just too good of a campsite to pass up.

The cabin was built in 1992 by the Army National Guard. A hand pump delivered cool clean water from the well and the wood burning stove inside made it nice and cozy.

We read hiker entries and signed the hiker register. Soon other hikers joined us and we had a nice evening chatting with them.
The next morning we hiked 10 miles mostly through lava fields.

We reached hwy 40 and got a hitch to Fish Lake by none-other than owner Jim Blodgett.

Fish Lake is a great stop and we enjoyed our Stay. Gone Fishing got some time in with his rod and I got some reading and writing done.

Yay! Good to see the stamp is surviving!