We hiked the lower elevation hiking option today as opposed to the crest. The lower option has less vertical and would be easier on my knee and also would give us more opportunity to swim and fish as we would be hiking by several lakes. Usually this means more mosquitos but this year has been the exception. It has been a dry year with few mosquitos.
We took a break by a small lake.

The water was warm and we all jumped in for a swim. Then Gone Fishing fished for a while while we dried off in the sun and made lunch.
We reached the 1900 mile mark and thought it was only fitting to celebrate it with Wired by making our marker with the technology we were carrying.

We reached Shelter Cove Fishing Resort just as they were closing the store but owner Jim kept it open for us, gave us our resupply boxes and helped us get settled.

My box was not here yet but expected to be here tomorrow so we will zero here tomorrow.
We made our favorite meal of cheese quesadilla and pudding for the 3 of us.
Wired left early Wednesday morning to do trail magic. What a treat it was to hike with Wired. Goodbye Wired and many thanks for enriching my PCT experience!

Heart and Wired
After Wired left hiker Just Bill arrived and he and Steve picked Huckleberries while I got together ingredients to make Huckleberry Pancakes.

Just Bill
The resort was full if this tart fruit that is similar to the blueberry. The pancakes came out great and we ate them 'till we were stuffed! Then we did the usual chores of repairing gear and sewing our clothes - so many holes to mend. We chatted with many vacationeers at the resort. One couple offered us their catch of the day which happen to be salmon.

Jim and Janet
For dinner Just Bill, Gone Fishing and I feasted on grilled fresh salmon. What a treat 2 great meals in one day!

Grilled Salmon
My package arrived by 6 that evening and while I was sorting my food. Richard, came by to chat with me. He was here for the fishing derby and was interested in learning more about the PCT. Before our conversation ended we had an invitation to go out on his boat with he and his wife Suzie the next morning. You can bet we delayed our departure once Gone Fishing heard about the invite.

Richard and Suzie
Hey! I'm back from the JMT and catching up on your posts. Totally LOVE the shadow pic and "wired" 1900. So fun and so happy I got to hike with you!