Bart, a cyclist we met from Norway drove BOSA (bypasses obvious signs and arrows) Gone Fishing and I to the trail head. He has been in the US mountain biking for the past 3 months and we enjoyed hearing about his adventures. We were back on the trail headed to Sierra City by 9am.

Thanks Bart!
We hiked a respectable 21 miles by 730pm with plans to reach Sierra City tomorrow before the PO closes. We met up with day hikers and at the
Peter Grubb Ski Hut met hiker
Rob who just started section hiking this portion of the PCT today.
Bosa, Firefly, and Chris came jogging by us shortly before 7.
Then we saw them setting up camp by a creek-- too buggy/swampy for us so we pressed on another mile and a half which proved to be a good decision. We found a great campsite on the ridge, a slight breeze kept the mosquitos away. We had dinner by campfire and cowboy camped with full view of the milky-way. I wish I could get a pic of it for you but you will have to settle for the ones below.

Peter Grubb Cabin Hikers can overnight here

