Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Odds and Ends

Just 2 weeks from today I will be leaving for my PCT adventure.  Everything seems to be falling into place. Several friends have donated to my cause, , I can't thank you enough. I am attaching a picture of the wristbands and t-shirts we are selling. We have sold over 70 wristbands so far and 15 t-shirts. You can purchase them through this link: once at the location click on Hike for Heart bar on the left. If you prefer you can make a donation directly to the AHA by clicking on this link  The American Heart Association will also  have a link on their face book page to my site and they will post updates as well.

The donate button on this blog page will also allow you to make a donation to AHA or to me for my hike. A list of people who have contributed so far is listed on the donation page. I will try to keep this up to date but once I am on the trail it may be difficult. Many of you have asked about sending me packages. Since I do not know where I will be when, this is difficult. Also because weight is such a big factor on the trail I may not be able to use what you send. The better option is to donate to the hike or to the AHA instead. I have not figured out how to make it easier to make comments on this blog but you can always send an email to me directly by going to I look forward to reading your emails and know they will be a source of encouragement.
Please check out the heart health facts page. I hope it will inspire others to start walking.
Happy Trails!


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